Friday, November 7, 2014

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You wake up. It is a bright and sunny Friday morning and you feel full of vim and vigor. Yes, this is going to be a great November 7, 2014. Yep, that is exactly what you're thinking right now. You sit up and get out of bed, then look at yourself in the mirror.

In the mirror you see...

... What the fuck is this shit?

You appear to be a slightly minimalistic sketch of some sort with ambiguous gender and features, and to make things worse, you appear to be very faded, as if whoever drew you has not bothered to ink you, because he's going to use the sketch for a later page. That lazy bastard! Why, you'd slug him, if that's the way your personality were inclined. Or maybe you'd just passive aggressively nag him for his negligence. You realize the possibilities for revenge are endless! Or at least they would be if you had a more concrete personality!

On the plus side, look at your ear!

God damn is that a motherfucking ear. If Blaze had been driven enough to actually detail you as much as he did that ear, you wouldn't be so motherfucking pissed at him.

ENOUGH STARING AT QUASIDETAILED ANATOMICAL FEATURES! You decide you need to remember if you are a boy or a girl right now!

[Are you a boy or a girl?]

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